HTML Subscription Form

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You can at any time, easily and quickly, create an HTML subscription form, so that you can collect contacts directly on your website.

In the menu to the left, at the very bottom of the page, you will find Forms. From here you can click on either View or Create form. If you click on Create form, you can, on the next page, choose the type of form that you want to create. This article is about regular subscription form – you can read about other forms here.

Create subscription form

1. Select Contact List(s) and Setup

First name your form. Give it a meaningful name, so that you are never in doubt what form is about. It can for example be “Subscription form for the website”. Next, you need to choose to which contact list a person will be subscribed to and which fields to fill in when subscribing.
To the right, you choose which type of form you create. Subscription form is chosen in advance.

If you scroll down the page, you should take a few decisions.

  • Contact fields: Select the order in which your fields should appear. Drag and move fields as you wish.
  • Subscription Form Properties: Design “send” button on your form. Choose size and colour.
  • Select Language: Choose which language your form should be in.
  • Properties: Out subscription form is always with double opt-in in order to ensure that only good contacts come in your list. Here you can also choose whether you form should only be used to update an already existing contact.
  • Communication: Select whether you want to send the contact our standard Thank you email after subscription and whether you will receive an email with the contact information when a new subscription comes in.
  • Design and Branding: Choose a design for your subscription form. You can also choose to style it when you insert the HTML on your website.

A screenshot from the interface of MarketingPlatform, picturing the instructions to use HTML Subscription Form.Select your contact list and fields and design your form. 

2. Build Forms og Preview

On the next page, you can customize the pages and emails that are part of the subscription process. After a contact has clicked on “Subscribe” on the form, they will come through this order of pages and emails:

  1. Confirm page: This is the page that you see after a contact has clicked on Subscribe. Here it is important to point out that the person has not completed subscription process until he/she has confirmed the subscription in the Confirmation email. You can style this email in our system or you can redirect the contact to your own website, for example, a hidden page with your own text.
  2. Confirm email: This email is sent immediately to the contact and it contains a confirmation link. Only after the contact has confirmed the subscription, the person is active on your contact list.
  3. Thank you page: Once a person has confirmed the subscription in the confirmation email, a Thank you page appears. You can style this in our system or you can redirect the contact to your own website.
  4. Thank you email (on/off): If you have ticked this on the previous page, an email with a Thank you text will se sent. You can set up your own welcome flow instead. Read more about setup of welcome flow here.

For all emails and pages you can change the text and the design yourself so that it matches your graphic expression. Save.

A screenshot from the interface of MarketingPlatform, picturing the instructions to use HTML Subscription Form.Design the pages and emails that the contact gets after subscription.

View forms and get HTML

After you have saved the form, you will be redirected to “View forms” where you have an overview of your forms. From here you can, at the far right, click on “get HTML” and then copy the HTML. Once inserted on your website, your subscriptions will automatically be registered on your contact list.

See in the video here how to create a subscription form.



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